Sacha likes that she is finally being taken seriously, even though she is still a minor. Sacha was born with Fibula aplasia type C. Her foot, which she couldn't walk with, was amputated when she was two years old. Her leg has now been amputated through the knee. Did you immediately get a prosthesis when you were little? Yes. I could run and jump with it. But at a certain point my bone grew faster than my skin and the pointy shape of the bone bothered me a lot. As a result, I couldn't walk well at all and was in a lot of pain. Could something be done about it? At the previous place where I was treated, they couldn't do anything about it. They also said the pain was "between my ears". At that time we went to an open day at De Hoogstraat and there my mother got into a conversation with a pediatric rehabilitation doctor who told her that they have a specialist team for child prosthetics at De Hoogstraat. We then moved to De Hoogstraat. That team then advised me to have my leg amputated through the knee, so that I could walk better without pain. And are you now walking without pain? Yes, I received a new prosthesis and also physiotherapy. I also tested several electronic knees to find out which knee would suit me best. Initially I did that in Utrecht. A while later I switched to Protec in Amsterdam. There they specialize in leg prostheses. How do you get help at Protec? Actually, for the first time I have the feeling that someone is listening to me. That I am taken a little seriously. Of course I'm a minor, but that doesn't matter at all at Protec. Kas listens well. For example, we chose a print for the socket together and I chose a specific knee during a trial run. Can you walk well with your new prosthesis? I am now receiving gait training from Frank Dik, Protec's running trainer. He teaches me to walk more neatly and teaches tricks that make me need less energy to walk. A very nice moment was last week. Then I managed to walk 2.5 kilometers in a row! That was really a huge progress. What do you think of the building? I think it's a nice environment. It is a kind of factory that is very cozy! And of course I've also been on the swing! Are you satisfied with the services provided by Protec? Yes, I am very happy with what Kas and Frank do for me. I can think along and even though I am a minor: I am taken very seriously! And yes: I'm moving forward step by step! I am very happy with that! Want to read more customer experiences? Click here.