
Hank's story

'Together we look for solutions for my prosthesis' The amputation of my upper leg had to take place because of a bacterial infection in my knee prosthesis. I now wear a prosthetic thigh. I've had pain for a while now. I was operated on a number of times in a nearby hospital to see what was going on in the knees. It turned out to be a bacterial infection. This was only detected during a second opinion via a simple bone scan. I was given antibiotics, but it had no effect on the right knee, fortunately it did on the other. In the end I was given the choice: to stiffen the leg or an amputation. Stiffness was not an option, I didn't think that was a life. I could have already experienced that when I walked with a cast leg. On December 3, 2010, my leg was amputated above the knee. Patch measures At the place where I rehabilitated and got my prosthetic leg, there was only a little experimentation with the prosthesis. I showed that patience, but the complaints persisted. I couldn't walk without pain. It was said: we no longer know a solution. In the end it took me about ten months to get back on my feet. I thought that I could expect a certain progress in this, while people continued to invest in a prosthesis that did not work and that was not the best choice, it turns out afterwards. There was no change of system and workaround after workaround was applied to a system that didn't work for me. At some point my patience ran out. I called and was able to get in right away. Finally supported during the first appointment I was very well received. I had a conversation with Dr. Kap, the rehabilitation doctor and with Marcel Conradi, the director. They soon realized that something was wrong with the tube; that I simply could not function with that tube. I was glad to hear that, because I hadn't mentioned the process in the other rehabilitation center and the orthopedic instrument shop there. I felt incredibly supported and understood at that moment. I was finally taken seriously. Yes, seriously, that's the right word. Solutions were actually discussed with full attention and interest and that was new to me. In the meantime I'm ready for my second test tube and a system with a liner, I'll just call it plan B. We are now going from plan B to plan C: a system without a liner. See, that immediately makes the difference: they always think along with me. The first tube was not immediately good, but that is not put on me. Together we look for solutions and then a second tube is simply made. And not worked with patchwork. This is in a completely different relationship. More time and attention is paid to me here. You don't get rushed by people looking at clocks. Helpful and friendly Everything is very helpful and friendly. The contact with the instrument maker is fine. We work very customer-friendly and service-oriented. I am heard and seen and what I want and need is actually acted upon. Together with me we puzzle to get the facility that suits me best. Look, it's not quite to your liking yet, that's logical. But the communication, friendliness, attention and expertise are good. And in the end that's what it's all about! Want to read more customer testimonials? Click here.
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